Grand Lodge of Ukraine participated in the XVI World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges in the Republic of Panama 2018
Official delegation of the Grand Lodge of Ukraine participated in the XVI World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges that took place in the Republic of Panama on November 14-17, 2018 and was hosted by The Grand Lodge of Panama.

It was a great opportunity to discuss, amongst the Brethren, no matter the distance, language, culture or antiquity between the Grand Lodges, topics so relevant to our order and humanity, that surely will mark a line to follow in the fourth century of universal freemasonry.

For the first time, the conference was held in Central America and all the Brothers of the Central American area were proud to welcome their Brothers from all over the world.
The XVI World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges was organized around four key topics:
- The role of Freemasonry and Mason individually in society
- The Masonic Way Towards the Internal Transformation of the Individual
- Attitude of the Mason in the face of the violation of Human Rights
- Masonic action against inequity
Throughout its history Freemasonry played an important role in the aspects of establishing Human Rights and Equality and we firmly believe that if as a world fraternity we unite in a common direction we can achieve more positive changes to society.
In addition to fruitful discussions of the above-mentioned topics, the World Conference addressed a number of administrative questions. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Israel presented the program for the XVII World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges that will take place in Israel in 2020, The United Grand Lodge of Germany was voted to host the XVIII World Conference that will take place in Germany in 2021, and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain was elected as new Executive Secretary of the World Conference.
Cultural program of the Conference was also very inspiring. The Panamanian masons were eager to welcome Brothers from all over the world and show their more than 100 years old Masonic history, as well as their country, its riches, its wonders; but above all give each visiting Brother their human warmth.
The Conference ended with the beautiful Masonic Ceremonial.
The Grand Lodge of Ukraine is thankful to the Organizing Committee of the World Conference and the Grand Lodge of Panama for excellent organization of the Conference and is looking forward to taking part in and contributing to the success of the next World Conferences, but above all, to further building our ancient order.